How to Recover Deleted Table in SQL Server Efficiently

Summary: In this write-up, we are going to talk about how you can recover deleted table in SQL Server with effective solutions. To obtain this information, continue reading.

MS SQL Server enjoys widespread popularity as a highly esteemed relational database management system in the business and corporate sectors. However, sometimes you may encounter a situation of accidental deletion of important tables in the SQL Server. This can be due to various reasons. For instance, human errors, corrupted file systems, sudden power failures, virus attacks, and many more.

Therefore, if you are among those who facing this issue, you have come to the right platform to find the most reliable solution to retrieve deleted table SQL. This guide will offer three solutions to assist you in how to get deleted table in SQL. Let's discuss them in detail.

Automated Solution to Recover Deleted Table in SQL Server

The SQL Recovery Software is an automated solution designed to efficiently retrieve deleted tables in SQL Server without any data loss. This powerful tool enables you to recover triggers, views, rules, and more with ease. In fact, corrupted and damaged files are also recovered by this software.

The best part is that it doesn't demand any technical expertise, as it offers a user-friendly interface accessible to everyone. This makes it a preferred choice among professionals. Furthermore, the software offers a range of advanced features that enhance work efficiency and provide a seamless experience.

Download Now Purchase Now

Additionally, this software provides you with the flexibility to selectively export data, giving them the choice to export only the schema, or both the schema and the database contents. Apart from this, it is compatible with all the latest versions.

The working of this tool depends upon the following steps:

Step 1.: Firstly, Download and Install the software in the System.

Download the Tool

Step 2.: Then, click on the Open button to load the SQL database file in the software.

Select MDF File

Step 3.: Now, select the Scan Mode as per your requirement then, Select the Version and click on the Ok button.

Select Advanced Scan

Step 4.: After that, click on the Export button to export the resultant data files.


Step 5.: Now, in the export to section select SQL Server Database or SQL Server Compatible Scripts or CSL File Format.

Configure Output Parameters

Step 6.: At last, click on the Export button.

Export Repaired File

Recover Deleted Table in SQL Server Using SSMS

SSMS is also known as SQL Server Management Studio used to manage the SQL Server. To initiate the process retrieve deleted table SQL, follow these steps:

Retrieve Deleted Table SQL Using LSN

LSN is Log Sequence Number, it is used to maintain and store the database activity like insert, delete, update, etc. to retrieve deleted tables in SQL Server using this method, you need to follow the steps listed below:

Step 1: Firstly, create an SQL database using the query

USE [master];
CREATE DATABASE RecoverDeletedTables;
USE RecoverDeletedTables;
CREATE TABLE [Employees] ()
[City] CHAR (25) DEFAULT ‘City1’);

Step 2: Then, the next step is to recover deleted table in SQL Server using the LSN method, the user needs to insert the data into SQL.

USE RecoverDeletedTables;
GO 100

Step 3: Now, delete some rows from the table using the given query to get the transaction id of deleted items.

USE RecoverDeletedTables
DELETE Employees
WHERE [Sr.No] < 10
Select * from Employee

Step 4: To recover deleted table in SQL Server, we need to get information about the deleted rows first.

USE RecoverDeletedTables
[Current LSN],
[Transaction ID],
fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
Operation = ‘LOP_DELETE_ROWS’

Step 5: Retrieve the LSN of the LOP_BEGIN_XACT log record in SQL Server.

USE RecoverDeletedTables
[Current LSN],
[Transaction ID],
[Begin Time],
[Transaction Name],
[Transaction SID]
fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
[Transaction ID] = ‘0000:0000030e’
[Operation] = ‘LOP_BEGIN_XACT’

Step 6: Now, recover deleted table in SQL Server using the query.

–Restoring Full backup with norecovery.
FROM DISK = ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.TESTDB\MSSQL\Backup\RecoverDeletedTables.bak’
MOVE ‘RecoverDeletedTables’ TO ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.TESTDB\MSSQL\Backup\RecoverDeletedTables.mdf’,
MOVE ‘RecoverDeletedTables_log’ TO ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.TESTDB\MSSQL\Backup\RecoverDeletedTables.ldf’,
–Restore Log backup with STOPBEFOREMARK option to recover exact LSN.
RESTORE LOG RecoverDeletedTables_COPY
DISK = N’C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.TESTDB\MSSQL\Backup\RecoverDeletedTables_tlogbackup.trn’
STOPBEFOREMARK = ‘lsn:0x00000015:0000002a:0001’

Step 7: Using this query you can see the recovered files.

USE RecoverDeletedTables_COPY
SELECT * from Employee

Limitations of Using SSMS & LSN Methods to Retrieve Deleted Table SQL

To recover deleted table in SQL Server using SSMS and LSN methods comes under the manual approach. Therefore, it contains limitations that sometimes cause problematic situations. These limitations are:

Our Recommendation

We always recommend opting for an automated solution due to its user-friendly interface, allowing everyone to utilize the software with ease. It helps users to retrieve all the deleted data item of the table within just a few steps. Moreover, it is also considered the best choice for professionals. Apart from this, it offers various advanced features that overcome all the limitations of other methods. This is capable enough to retrieve deleted table SQL efficiently.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, we have addressed the issue of how to recover deleted table in SQL Server by presenting three solutions in a step-by-step guide - the automated method, the SSMS method, and the LSN method. If you are not concerned about the limitations of the SSMS and LSN methods, you may choose either of them; however, for a more reliable and efficient approach, the automated solution is highly recommended.

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